Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Some of you might now that I love taking pictures and some of you might not. I started when i was in Jr. High and have loved it since then. A dream of mine was to photograph for National Geographic which is probably not going to happen, but i do love taking pictures of family, friends, babies. I enjoy capturing moments and keeping memories. Before I had my baby I took some pictures here and there for friends and family. I also enjoyed going up to AF canyon and other places to take pictures. After i had Catherine I took a break from photography. I am starting again and would love to take pictures for those of you who want to capture those family moments. I do all kinds of photography and mostly do it for fun, price is very reasonable! Here is some of my work. e-mail me: if you are interested.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Hall's Trip

Sunday was my brother in-law's farewell and he did so good in his talk! We started this week on a great note by heading to Park City for a family Hall trip. The girls shopped and the boys golfed. It was so much fun, and Catherine just enjoyed playing with grandpa and grandma Hall and uncle Mitch! 

5 months!

I can not believe how fast time has gone by. Our baby girl is growing so fast and we love her more than ever. It is so fun to have her and our joy is so full with her. She is finally five months and rolled for the first time. She has the best dad in the world who just adores her. Mom loves taking Catherine everywhere because she is so fun and loves to be outside and see other people. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

New Project!

For a while i've wanted to start doing something that i can enjoy and also do on the side. This is going to be my new project here is a small sneak peak. I'm excited! Soon I will give you guys the finish product. For now I can't wait....

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Sorry the blog is getting some changes, but soon it will look normal!

A candy trip!

Today Catherine and I  went to the Sweet's Candy Company for a tour. It was great. I love that I can spend time with my baby and still meet and hang out with other mommies! I can't wait until Catherine is old enough to enjoy all of our playground activities!
Thank you to the ladies who are so great and welcoming! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Who I am

There's so many respectable and honorable titles out there for women. I happen to claim a few.
I am a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter , an aunt, a friend. I am a Mormon! And all these bring the greatest joy to my heart. I love what I do, who I am, and what I stand for.