Thursday, August 1, 2013

Diaper Disaster!

Here is a question for you moms. What's the worse diaper disaster that you've had to encounter with your babies? What's the different places you've changed a diaper?Here is mine today!
Though this might be a bit too much info for some of you, I think most parents can handle it. So Catherine had not had a bowel movement for three days and it started to worry me. But the end of my worries was soon here, at the grocery store, and it wasn't pretty. As I start to check out I notice the big orange spot on the back of her shirt and the awful smell, yup diaper disaster!  I actually caught the register guy looking at it, you can even see his nostrils flaring from the smell. the bathroom was not an option there were two mamas in there already. the car was my only alternative. the only problem was how to change her with out causing a mess. Once I was about to get her out of the shopping cart it all started to come out from the top of her shirt. It was a mess! So I pulled out the changing pad lots of grocery bags and laid her in the seat. After a few comments and ugly stares from people thirty minutes later I was done! Successfully done that is, call me super mom if you will because with my wiggly baby it all could've gone south. So what's your story with Diaper Disaster?

Keep in mind that this is before it all got worse!


  1. Great story! But it wont be your last. I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me. So many times that I can't remember a specific one, it is all a big blurr of poop. Lots and lots of it. Welcome to motherhood, it doesn't get better and it will happened again. But you will get better at handling it and you will be able to look back and laugh. Good times.

  2. Very true Liz I just laugh now when I think about it.
